nedeľa, 13 júl 2014 21:03

Prípravná hra 2:2 + 2





Táto PH je zameraná na riešienie situácie 1:1, 2:1, 2:2 so zakončením po narážačke. Má kondičný charakter a zataženie sa pohybuje okolo 60 sekúnd. Veľkosť ihriska je 15x25 m. 

sobota, 12 júl 2014 19:17

Hra krajných stredových hráčov


Pre hráčov, ktorí hrajú v krajných vertikálach (pravý, ľavý obranca, pravý, ľavý stredový hráč) sme vybrali jednoduché prípravné cvičenie. Stredový hráč zbieha do vnútra ihriska a robí individuálny prienik so zakončením. Pozri animáciu.

piatok, 11 júl 2014 19:37

Zakončenie útoku




dragoszimgPsychodynamics is a term used so far this thinking if we are to developv only in psychology, especially in one of certain characteristics in humans, we the major schools of psychology, which need to make the environment emphasizes the dynamic forces that appropriately influenced him, enabling govern human personality. him to the development of these traits. Theories of Personality called Do you want to create the perfect man - behavioral recognize that man over his create an ideal environment for him. Entire personal and social Do psychodynamics can be "translated" development, as a result of the impact for football? Certainly yes - if you study of positive and negative stimuli , what connects reasoning and learning different forms of behavior movement, and how many calls of this and reaction, and learning is reinforced type occurs in the game of football. In or undermined by a system of penalties psychodynamic exercises we can train and rewards. Learning and experience in a player 's ability to make decisions influence who they become. In short - it and changes as soon as possible, is what a man, how it behaves, we can depending on the number of emerging have an impact from the outside, external stimuli - visual, auditory and through its environment. As a result of tactile.

nedeľa, 04 máj 2014 10:49

HC - 6 na 6 so zakončením


Dôraz kladieme na presnosť prihrávky, preberanie lopty a pohyb vo vymedzenom priestore + odskočenie - nabehnutie  útočiacich hráčov



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