štvrtok, 14 november 2013 21:27

Attacking two or three attackers - collection exercises

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Sam’s Soccer Academy International Football Festival - Marek Dragosz - Coaching Workshops


The player passes the ball to the first partner of the set back to goal, which gives it without the adoption of a free field, turns and runs towards goal. Then performs a pass to the other partner set back to goal and leaving the crop field, which it accepts or gives free admission to the first player who finishes an exercise shot into the goal. Players after the exercises change position in the direction of the ball passes. Exercise is performed on the two sides.


A player passes the ball to the first partner of the set on the left, which gives free admission to the forward to a free field to the right partner, who passes the ball to the third set a player back to goal. Then the , which was located on the left side performs a partner circled behind the right side, where he receives the pass the ball towards the goal and ends with a shot into the goal of exercise. Players after the exercises change position in the direction of pass the ball. Exercise is performed on the two sides.


2 players are set back in the middle zone and the two players in the lateral sectors. A player passes the ball to the first partner of the set back to goal, which gives it without taking back to him, turns and runs towards goal. Then the first player to make the right partner, who passes the ball to a running player who gives her partner to another set back to goal. A player that passes the ball to the player who goes on the left and ends with a shot into the goal of exercise. Players after the exercises change position in the direction of pass the ball. Exercise is performed on the two sides.


2 players positioned in the lateral sector, one player in the middle sector, before the penalty area. The player with the ball passes it to the partner set sideways to the gate and runs away, he does return soon, and then moves toward the goal. The second player passes the ball to him, without the adoption of the free field. Then the first player takes the cross from a player running in the middle sector, which ends with a shot into the goal of exercise. Exercise is performed on the two sides.


2 players positioned in the lateral sector, one player in the middle sector, before the penalty area. The player with the ball passes it to the partner set sideways to the gate and runs back towards the lad, he does return soon, and then moves toward the goal. The second player passes the ball to him, without the adoption of the free field. Then the first player runs the ball and perform cross from the player running in the middle sector, which ends with a shot into the goal of exercise. Exercise is performed on the two sides.


Players lined up as shown in the rectangle with dimensions of 50 x 30 m Player A gives to B, who strikes the ball without taking the player C. Player C passes the ball perpendicular to the facing free space on D deceive the player who hits the ball on goal. After the shot, the player returns to the end of the row, and the exercise is done in the other. Changes in A-B-C-D-A.


Two players are set against the penalty area, Side set back in the side sector. The coach gives the ball to the top of one of the players, that does not give a short admission to the next partner. This takes a strong, long, toward the bottom to provide a small gate. Then perform a quick return and perform a synchronized change of the Cross. At the same time center wing defender hit the ball in their direction and end up practicing a shot into the goal.


The players lined up like the illustration. Exercise begins A player pass the ball to the forward player B, who without acceptance gives it to C. Player C set back to the gate passes the ball to the player set in D, which gives it to the player E. Player E passes the ball wbiegającemu player A, who after its short running the ball is given in the penalty area centers for running players E and F. This exercise is continued in the opposite direction by a player A. players are returning to their starting positions.



Videné 3826 krát Naposledy zmenené štvrtok, 14 november 2013 21:35
Marek Dragosz


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