štvrtok, 14 november 2013 19:58

Technical preparation - Strength & Coordination

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Practitioners lined up as shown. Goalkeeper B - kneeling with his hands raised extensively in the side. Goalkeeper A set back to the partners C and D performed on hands and skipping around player B (1 and 2). After the second jump is ready (3) to defend the shot partner C (4). A continuation of the exercise performed in the opposite direction, so as to defend the shot goalkeeper D. During the exercise goalies change their places..


Practitioners lined up as shown. Two goalkeepers exchange between them provide foot or hand, so give the ball heading towards the goalkeeper lying. Its mission is to "throw" up his body so that it does not touch the ball. Provide feed towards different parts of the body exercising. In this way, forcing him to lift the legs, torso, hands, or whole body. During the exercise goalkeepers change their place.


Practitioners lined up as shown. Goalie jumps over partner (1) while facing the goal. After jump quickly turns (2) and defend a shot by the coach (3). During the exercise goalkeepers change their places. Changes also the place from which the coach hits the gate and follow the angle of the goalkeepers..


Four goalies set as shown. Goalkeeper who lies on his stomach rejects the ball given by standing closer to partner. At the time of his widely spread legs on the ground jump takes third goalkeeper. After hops in each direction single shot weapon set on partner.




Videné 2912 krát Naposledy zmenené štvrtok, 14 november 2013 20:03
Marek Dragosz


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